
Who am I?

Hello i´m Marina Elena Carnicero Kunigk,

I am half German half Spanish, and I have lived my whole life in Spain. And at this moment I am studying architectural fundaments in la Universidad politecnica de Valencia (upv). It´s my first year so i am a FRESHMAN and currently happy with my decision of imparting this career.

I took the decision of studying this career when I was 16 (4 eso), At the start I was really confused between what to study if architecture or art. In that year I had to take a decision of which curse to impart by knowing what I wanted. Depending on this decision the rest of my life was practically decided but y was not going to pick letters or biological science, why, because I am not good at studying, and you already know what decision I made. Something that helped me doing this decision apart of my qualities is a book “¿que es la arquitectura?”

This book helped my decision. It is a book that answers a lot of question about architecture my favourites two questions are:

“¿los arquitectos deben pensar en todo? Mientras que el resto tiene sus responsabilidades puntuales, el arquitecto debe pensar en cada pequeño detalle del guion. Solamente si comprende el comportamiento humano, (…), podrá crear edificios y espacios que funcionen”

¿Que es la arquitectura? by Rasmus Waern and Gert Wingardh.

“¿Cuándo se convierte la arquitectura en algo sensual? Lo que esta oculto siempre resulta tentador, y a menudo encantador. (…) la interacción entreabierto y cerrado es la esencia que subyace en la arquitectura

¿Que es la arquitectura? by Rasmus Waern and Gert Wingardh.

And I already have a type of plan to do in this couple of years, first of course I have to have good greats in order to pass the 2 first years. The third year my idea is going aboard to Germany for the entire year, actually my first idea was going there from the start but I’m not so brave of going so far away my first year. After my third year my parents said y should stay there in Germany but I’m not so confident, so that is still on my mind but not as important because I have still 2 years. But I’m pretty sure that I’m going to go there for my master (that I don’t have idea of what or which they are).

In my short life I have regrated things, but those things took me to where I am nowadays, and I am pretty happy of how it ended.